Wednesday 23 July 2008

Kerrera Fire Station

And Craft Shop


  1. Aren't they dingy! I have an equally cute pic of the wee shop/post office complete with X-mas decorations at Glendale (guessing now) which I'll forward perhaps.

    So, I take it the firemen keep their truck in there?

  2. Don'tya just hate it when beauty spots are ruined by rampant commercialism and unnecessary fire services???

  3. I find that strangely appealing... I'd move there if I wasn't scared they'd burn me for being a heathen.

  4. Foofy - Bicycles is my guess. Or maybe their hose (they like dressing up).

    Laura - Absolutely. Not to mention the telephone exchange.

    Rol - As long as you can do a turn at a celeidh (a little song, or even a recitation will do)they won't burn you. Although if my name was Pete I might worry...

  5. There's just about room for a bucket and some hand-carved spoons!

  6. OMG I think you should steer clear of any naked flames while you're up there- looks like you're on your own!

  7. Brother Tobias you have won an award @ mine!

  8. Lucy - I hadn't thought of buckets. Obvious now you mention it.

    Marianne - You're right. I remember when the Royal Hotel in Portree caught fire, and the fire engine had to come from Inverness a 100 miles away...rousing the ferry on the way!

    Laura - Thank you so much.
